Letter of Recommendation

Bandung, April 9th 2019

To: University of New South Wales Mining Engineering Scholarships

It is my great pleasure to recommend Nicolas Irgy Adryan for admission to University of New South Wales. I have know Nicolas for 3 years and was delighted to serve as his senior high school teacher at SMAN 3 Bandung. During that time, I have taught his Phisycs. He is one of my best students, he is  very responsible person, he is very kind person, he is hardworker, and also can control his emotion very well.

He is able to balance his play time, organization time, and study time. He is also an active person at the school. He is join some organizations and extracurricular in SMAN 3 Bandung, like he is part of SMAN 3 Student Council, he is part of SPeD 3 (Suara Pelajar Debat 3), MP3 (Movie Production 3), DKM (Dewan Keluarga Masjid).

As Nicolas Teacher, I witnessed his extraordinary  Physics skill. His experiments about light diffraction was particularly impressive. In it he use his good physics skill and make that experiments really works and make him and his team the winner of national physics competition.

I highly recommend you accept Nicolas for UNSW Mining Engineering. I am confident he will make an excellent addition to your university's community. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question regarding his character or past academic work at michaelmarbun12@gmail.com.


Michael Adigreace, M.Sc
Physics Teacher
SMAN 3 Bandung


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