Comet: Natural Phenomenon

Comet is one of the celestial bodies. This object is also often referred to as a tailed star. Comet is a tailed star that moves freely in space, occasionally the circulation of this comet passes next to the planet Earth so that it is seen by humans in a certain period of time. The name Comet itself comes from the Greek word "kometes" which means long hair. The Javanese call comets "latitude cubes" because they have a tail like steaming. The comet itself also surrounds the sun, just like the Earth with its oval-shaped orbit.

Comets themselves are formed from ice and dust. Comets consist of a collection of dust and gas that freezes when away from the sun. These comet constituent materials are almost entirely formed from carbon dioxide, methane and also water. But when approaching the sun, the constituent materials of this comet partially evaporate to form the head and also the comet's tail. The comet's tail is very long, even its length can reach millions of kilometers. We can see this comet when it is still far from the sun. The comet's orbits are different and there are also comets that spend millions of years only for one orbit on the sun. Waw, it's really amazing. But because these comets surround the sun, comets are still categorized as celestial bodies belonging to the solar system.

Characteristics of comets

Comets are celestial bodies similar to asteroids. So, the nickname of the tail star for this comet is actually not right because the comets and stars are really different. When viewed closely we might know very well about the differences in heavenly bodies. But when viewed from the earth's crust, a place where humans and their naked eyes are located it will be very difficult to distinguish which comet. Therefore we need to know about the characteristics of comets. The characteristics of comets include the following:

Composed of dust and ice particles that have frozen
Has an orbit or trajectory that is oval or elliptical
Very flammable, especially on the tail
Now that's some of the characteristics of comets that are celestial bodies that are around the Earth. comets also have parts that we need to learn together. The comet parts are below.

Comet Parts

Not as simple as a planet whose shape tends to be round-fast at both poles, comets have a number of partitioned parts such as the core, tail and so on. Then what are the information about the parts of the comet? The following are the comet parts that we need to know:

Comet core
The comet core is the most visible part of the earth when the comet's position is still far from the sun. This core part is also the most dense part. Diamater from this core reaches several kilometers different between one comet and another. The core of the comet is formed from the evaporation of ice materials that are very volatile into gases that look glowing.

The second part of comets is comma. Coma is an area full of fog or an area similar to the veil that covers the comet core. This area is a concentrated area because it is exposed to steam from the comet's core which is increasingly steaming when close to the sun.

Hydrogen layer
The hydrogen layer is also one part of the comet. This hydrogen layer is the layer that covers the comma so that it is not visible to the human eye. The clouds in this layer are so thick that the diameters can reach 20 million kilometers.
Now that's some of the parts of the comet that we need to know together. The parts of this comet are related to each other so that we can sometimes see them from Earth. even though it looks the same, this comet turns out to be different from one another. So from that there are several types of comets. We will discuss the types of comets below.

Types of comets

The types of comets are categorized based on the shape of the comet, especially the comet's own tail. The intended comet's tail is long or short. Comets are indeed divided into two types. The types of comets include:

Long-tailed comet
The long-tailed comet is of course a comet with a long tail. That is to say, a long-tailed comet is a comet that has a very long line of trails through very cold areas in space there. By passing through many cold areas, this comet has many opportunities to absorb the gases around it. Then when approaching the sun, this comet releases gas so that it will form a coma and a very long comet tail.

Short-tailed comet
The second type of comet is a short-tailed comet. Short-tailed comet is a comet whose tail is not too long. These comets have very short cross lines so there is little chance of absorbing gas. Thus the tail formed on the comet is not too long.

Comet That Has Been Seen

Comets are celestial bodies that have also been seen from Earth. there are some amazing natural phenomena where these comets pass and make the scenery amazing. The comets that have been seen include the following:

Halley's Comet, is the most famous comet. These comets pass near the Earth periodically, which is seen every 75 - 76 years. Among them have been seen in 1986.
Comet De Kock-Paraskevopoulos, seen in 1941
Comet Hale Bopp, seen in 1997
Ikeya Seki's comet, seen in 1965
Comet West, seen in 1976
Comet McNaught, seen in 2007
Comet Eclipse, seen in 1948
Comet Kohoutek, seen in 1973
Comet Bennet, seen in 1970
Comet Lovejoy C / 2011 W3, seen in 2011
Mellish's comet, seen in 1917


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