Assessment Rubric

Motion 1: Should ban cigarretes from society
Opening Government
Cigarretes contain some nicotin and some bad substance that can meke the people have cancer. There are so many people died because of smoke.
Opening opposition
Banning the cigarretes from the society is denying human rights that need to smoke cigarretes all day. People can smoke in smoking area.
Closing government
Smoking are is not effective ways to do smoke cigarretes because there are some people still smoke in public places, so we must ban cigarretes from the society. According to CDC so much money smoker they spent. Saving money is better than smoke cigarretes.
Closing opposition
There are positive and negative thing in smoking cigarretes we cant just look the negativity from smoke cigarretes, we have to take the positive thing, so dont ban cigarretes from the society.

Motion 2: Should supports the death penalty for corruptors
Opening Government
Corruptors take the money for themselves from the country, so the death penalty is the last option for the corruptors.
Opening Opposition
We should take seriously human rights. The death penalty isnt effective for this case because corruptors is human like us.
Closing Government
They dont deserve the money. Jail punishment isnt effective, so the death penalty is the best way.
Closing Opposition
Its violate human rights. The corruptors dont deserve the money but they have to get forgiveness.


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