It's All About Me

         Hello! Welcome to my blog... 

         Let me introducing myself here...My Name is Michael Adigreace. I was born on Bandung,15 May 2002. I live in Perumahan Griya Asri Cahaya Cipageran E.14, North Cimahi. I am one of the students at SMAN 3 Bandung, that is the one of the most favorite school in my home town. My hobby is capturing some photograph, videograph, and all that about art.
        When I write this article I'm currently right 15 years old. Let me introducing my family.Now I live in a small family with one sister and my parents, her name is Maria Adiseptiani Marbun she was 11 years old. She is one of the students at SDK BPK Penabur Cimahi. My father name is Luhut Pangihutan Marbun, he work with his own bussines it call " CV Bina Mitra" I'm so proud of what my that has do for my family he is the great dad ever but, my mother is also great too her name is Julia Rebeka Silalahi she is the one of women soldiers at Indonesia, I'm so proud with her cause she can solve any problem in my family. Im so proud have a great family like this right now.
         Now i'll introduce my self furthermore, I like science more than other subjects. Why I like science cause I want to be a doctor. The only reason why I entry this school cause I want to get invitation way to SNMPTN Universitas Indonesia or Universitas Padjajaran.

That is all about my introducing at my blog thank you for reading...


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