Holiday Plan

At the class room Maik, Adi, and Greace talking about school holiday....

Maik          : "Hey, whatsup bruh!!"
Adi,Greace: "Hey hey whatsup!" 
Maik          : "I heard school holidays extended into two weeks. So what will you do on your next holiday guys??"
Adi            : "Whoaa its that true?! Hmm maybe I will go to Bromo Mountain."
Greace       : "I think you have to go by offroad di because you will feel the sensation if you use offroad car :D."
Maik         : "Whoa great idea Greace.. what will you do at Bromo Mountain di?
Adi           : "That's great idea bruh but my father doesn't have any offroad car so i will go by car Bromo Mountain Maybe I will go hiking, taking some sunset pictures, and the most of all is I'll trying offroad by offroad motorcycle."
Maik         : " Wow nice bruh finally you can feel the sensation of offroad motorcycle. How about you Greace what will you do on your next holiday bruh?"
Greace      : "Yeah if Adi goes to the mountain well i'm different i'll go to the beach. Relaxing my body from subjects at SMAN 3."
Adi            : "Well it nice bruh, by the way what beach you will go to there?"
Maik          : " Yeah bruh what beach you will go to there?
Greace       :" Hmm I think I'll go to Pangandaran beach who have nice view and cozy places."
Maik         :"Yeah I agree with you that beach is have nice view and cozy places, and last holiday i  go to there with my lovely family. So what do you do at pangandaran beach?"
Adi            : " Wow great bruh, hmm I think I'll going to surf and swimming on that beach.
Maik        : "That great plan.. Hmm okay maybe I'll go to doing assigment test now, see you all soon guys!!"
Adi, Greace: "Yeah I'll go to doing assigment test too see you Maik!!"


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