Hi folks! Now we're going talking about Narrative Text It's about the text structure and Language Feature Now check the table below... RAPUNZEL Narrative Text Language Feature Orientation A long time ago , there lived a young couple, a man and his wife. His wife was expecting their baby . She wanted a plant that only grew in her neighbor's garden . She wanted it so much. She even intended to steal it herself, but later on, she sent her husband to steal it. Unfortunately, Mother Gothel , the owner of the garden, caught him doing it. She was a witch. Then mother Gothel forced couple to give their first baby to her. Character -Yellow Highlighted- Place Set -Green Highlighted- Linking Verbs -Red Highlighted- Action Verb -Blue Highlighted- Time Set -Purple Highlighted- Complication A few months later , the baby was born. It was a girl named Rapunzel. Soon, this baby was taken away to live...