Hi folks! Long time no see... Today i'm gonna to tell you about what is GATHAPRAYA 2017 Gathapraya is a cultural festival event that combines modern culture and traditional culture. In this event we can know more about the culture around us or in Indonesia. In this event I happen to be a committee in this event, I became a committee of visual documentation. I will tell you a little about how my journey during this gathapraya committee. Before becoming our committee the candidates of the committee to do a little test in order to get into this committee. The tests that we live during the election period that we were told to sell at school, selling onigiri.Kami continue to sell until finally we sell in car free day in the form of goods used we get from the donation of friends of school friends, then it turns out sales in car free day is the first step that will qualify to be a gathapraya committee and I also qualify in the test. In prepa...